• High Technology

An industry that is defined by fast growth and innovation, high technology companies are looking to address the opportunities and business model challenges that will define their short- and long-term futures.

Change is coming faster today than ever before and companies must adapt quickly. Executives of technology companies are positioned at the forefront of change, and need to be especially cognizant of the forces driving changes in their world. Technology providers need to understand the impacts that significant trends impose on their business, and overcome them through transitions to innovative revenue streams, new business models, and lowering overall costs.

We work with our clients to help them identify where and, more importantly, how they should compete in a landscape marked by a series of critical challenges –uncertain revenue growth, broadening customer and supplier bases, potential regulatory intervention– as well as the ongoing needs to both reduce operational costs and increase company agility and productivity. We help them address challenges and opportunities, improve operations, and deliver value.

Challenging Market Demands

The dynamic high technology industry is characterized by accelerated innovation cycles, margin pressure and complex supply chains driven by global competition.

Facing headwinds and uncertainty from new delivery platforms, new digital payment models, and new competitors – technology companies are constantly challenged to find new ways to engage and profit from today’s digital consumer.

In order to become more responsive to a complex and demanding customer base in a highly competitive market, technology companies must embrace frequent change, accelerate innovation processes and create winning ideas that translate into revenue.